Indiegenic is a grassroots-oriented agrotech and marketing company dedicated to transforming the agricultural landscape by empowering tribal and marginalised communities. Our mission is to build a sustainable value chain that integrates natural farming practices and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) production while creating eco-friendly livelihood opportunities. At the core of our operations lies a commitment to fairness, transparency, and sustainability, ensuring that the benefits of progress are equitably shared across the value chain.
Building trust through a tech-enabled (blockchain-enabled)* value chain that enhances traceability and accountability.
Fairness & Transparency: Building trust through a tech-enabled (blockchain-enabled)* value chain that enhances traceability and accountability.
Sustainability: Pledging to minimise our environmental impact and achieve carbon neutrality and equitable value distribution.
Empowerment: Strengthening tribal and marginalised communities with tools, technology, market, and opportunities to grow.
We envision a future where indigenous wisdom and marginalised communities lead the way in agricultural transformation. Through cutting-edge technologies and environmentally responsible practices, we aim to create a world where natural farming thrives, markets are seamlessly connected with quality produce, and communities prosper sustainably.
Indiegenic is pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by implementing greener agricultural alternatives, promoting sustainable practices, and minimising environmental impact. Our dedication extends to fostering a circular economy that benefits both the environment and the communities we serve.
We provide expert guidance on sustainable agricultural practices, market linkages, and value chain optimisation.
Establishing post-harvest processing value chains through procure, install, and transfer mechanisms, ensuring communities have the infrastructure they need to maximise value.
Launching soon, India’s first marketplace dedicated to showcasing and trading products created by tribal and marginalised communities, connecting them directly to consumers and businesses.
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Penatibus neque fringilla quam sapien habitasse velit nisi morbi aenean
Penatibus neque fringilla quam sapien habitasse velit nisi morbi aenean
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Lectus tempor netus vestibulum dis consectetuer nascetur nostra nisl scelerisque
Lectus tempor netus vestibulum dis consectetuer nascetur nostra nisl scelerisque
Lectus tempor netus vestibulum dis consectetuer nascetur nostra nisl scelerisque